Check out how you can support Westwood Charter while doing what you already do!


Link up your Ralph’s shopping account to WWC and every time you make purchases using your Ralph’s Rewards card, you’ll earn money for WWC!


The GotSneakers athletic shoe recycling program was a big success last year, and we're excited to bring it back for this school year! An estimated 600 million pairs of shoes go into America’s landfills every year! 100% of these shoes can be recycled and the majority of these shoes can still be reused. The sneakers that we collect through the GotSneakers program will help us raise funds for the school AND will keep sneakers out of landfills.


Through this program, last year our school community kept 593 pairs of shoes out of landfills. In doing so, we helped displace 17,790 pounds of CO2 (equivalent to 890 gallons of gasoline) and saved over 1.3 million gallons of water! As an added bonus, we raised over $300 for WISE. Talk about a win-win!


With your help, we can continue to make this program a success! Bring in any sneakers* and drop them off in the collection bin inside the Selby gate. We get more money if they are in wearable condition, but even old, worn out sneakers earn a bit of money and will be recycled. Every pair counts!


Drop Off Location: Collection bin inside the Selby Gate



  • Only athletic footwear! No dress shoes, sandals, slip-ons, boots, etc.
  • Shoes must be paired together - no single shoes
  • All sizes allowed, kids and adults





Next WISE Meeting


Wed, Feb 26th @ 8PM

via Zoom






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